Team India!
3 1/2 Americans, 1 German, 1 Dutch, 1 South Korean, and 1/2 a Swazilandite? Swazilandian? Let's just say 4 Americans!
This week our topic was on dreams and visions for the future. I missed half of it because I was sick. I feel like I've been sick since I got here, maybe because I have. It's a lingering head cold basically. I get rid of it for a week and then it comes back and knocks me out for a few days, this is the last time though. We've had an irregular schedule this week due to the schedules of our speakers, but it leaves more time for recuperating, so I'm not arguing about anything haha. God is great and broomheksienhidrochloried is good. I don't even know what that is, but it's an ingredient in the medicine the pharmacist gave me. I'd challenge you to try saying that 3 times fast but I don't know that anyone can actually even say it once...I know I can't.
I'm still trying to raise another $1,500 before March 10th. Let's see, that's 15 days $100 a day. Totally possible, but I could use your help! I'd like to spread my blog around, but I only know so many people. Can you pass my link on to a friend; send it to your pastor, youth leader, church missions board; or share it on Facebook? You don't have to post pictures and links on neighborhood telephone poles...unless you think it would help. ;)
I love the story of David. His entire life is a huge roller-coaster, the highest highs and the lowest lows but he was still known as a man after God's heart.
We talked about David and Goliath briefly in one of our sessions this week, so I went back to 1 Samuel 17 to read the story again.
In class we talked about how David shared his ''war stories'' with Saul to justify his experience and capability in battle. In verses 34-37 David talks about how he would watch his father's sheep. When a lion or bear came to take a lamb David would kill it. It wasn't really that big of a deal though, he stood on top of a hill a long distance away and shot it with a high-powered rifle, so he was never directly in harms way. Oh sorry, that was a different story. This David would grab the animal by it's mane and beat it to death. (This is a bit harsh, yes, but not as gruesome or brutal as 1 Samuel 18:22-27...look it up, really). Who does that kind of stuff?
I love how Saul tried to give David weapons to defeat Goliath with because he felt David was under (or un) equipped. David couldn't handle the weight of them, he didn't have any experience with them so he resorted to what he knew he could use. He pulled out his sling and grabbed some rocks. David didn't need the approval or criticism of others to encourage him, he was confident in who he was and the skills he already had.
Verse 48 says that as Goliath moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly to meet him....what? I picture Goliath walking (maybe sauntering is a better word, or strutting?) confidently and suddenly David takes off running towards him!
David is definitely one of my favorite guys ever. He probably knew how to pronounce broomheksienhidrochloried also.
"That, That, That"