What qualifications do I have to be a missionary? This is what I've been mulling over in my mind lately and the truth is, I can only think of one.
I've been called.
Paul writes in Romans 8 that ''those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.'' The only reason I have to claim my ability to do this is that I was called. Through that, I will be justified according to His promise. In simpler terms, God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
So, what are you being called into? Are you trying to justify or qualify your ability to do it by your own reasoning or by a reasoning of a higher authority?
Step out in faith, listen to the call and know that your obedience will result in His glory.
A friend shared this with me earlier this week and I thought it was noteworthy. She felt called in a different manner and is actively taking steps to walk in that calling.
''God and I had a talk this week and he was pushing me to trust him especially with my money which is really hard to do for me (I'm used to being a broke college student lol). I had been tithing on and off at church and realized that I have friends who are doing great things and really should be tithing there. I know God will honor my faithfulness...''
What is your desire? What is your purpose? Is God calling you?